Location: Nax – Vernamiège, Val d’Hérens
Description: Nice and challenging hike on the edges of the Vallon de Réchy; Alpine path with a beautiful view of the Rhone Valley
Total length: 32 km for two days
Walking time: 13 hours total
Elevation altitude: between 1550 and 2980 m
National hicking map 1:50’000: 273 Montana
Best period: as soon as snow conditions allow (July to October)
Difficulty: T3
First day
Departure from the cover of Prarion to the south-east of Nax, at an altitude of 1545 m. Follow the dirt road for 50 m to the north (1541) and climb the alpine road up to point 1611. Continue on a path (south-east) to Chiesso, point 2068. Enter onto the Chemin des Charbonniers to the Ar du Tsan, at Pichioc (2184). Gain the Col de cou (2528) then go back down to the Combe stables (2324). Follow the road to the Auberge de La Louère (2165).
1300 m pos, 680 neg, 12 km, 5h12
Second day
From the inn, go south to Arpette (2284). Follow the path to Réchasses (2522) and reach Pas de Lovégno (2695). From the pass, follow the path that goes south-east in the Vallon de Réchy to reach the Tsévalire pass (2946). Continue to the Becs du Bosson hut (2982). Join the path south of the hut to the Pas de Lona (2787). Descend on the west face of the pass to A Vielle (2369). Go to Loveigno (2170) then Plan Zenevrec and return to the Auberge de La Louère. Follow the trail west of the inn to point 2125, then reach the Rimble (1898). Follow the road in the direction of Clot de Guidon (1703) then finally Prarion, starting point.
1200 m pos, 1850 neg, 20 km, 7h30
Uselful informations: If you arrive by public transport, pay attention to the route from the start to the Prarion shelter: the distance to walk, whether you come from Vernamiège or Nax is significant!
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Public tansport timetable (Sion – Nax)