Location: Niouc, Val d’Anniviers
Altitude: 900 meters
Length and height of the suspension bridge: 200 meters and 190 meters
It can be reached from the route of the Bisse des Sarrasins or RIcard or from the main road in the Val d´Anniviers.
It is spectacular and impressive. From the main road of the Val d’Anniviers, at the height of the post office stop “Niouc, the Saints Innocents” follow the downhill road which goes towards the Navizence river until instead the place of the association that manages the bridge. The place is accessible by car. On site there is the possibility of snacks and drinks. To cross the bridge you will be asked for a fee of CHF 5.— per person. This suspension brdge is maintained by a non-profit association. It is also used by fans of bungee jumping. Very impressive to see them leap into the void!